Grade 2/3 with Mrs.Rogers

Learning Excellence

Class Dojo

We will be using Class Dojo as a behaviour management tool in our classroom to reward positive student behaviour!


There are 4 ways this will benefit your child:
1. Individual points. You can see whether they are being on task, helpful, working hard, showing persistence or using teamwork throughout the day. You can also see when they make some not-so-good choices. A real-time reflection of their day.

For increments of 20 individual points, students get a prize from Mrs.Rogers’ prize bucket!

2. Class points. We are a classroom community. We succeed together and we lift one another up when we need to. Individual behaviours affect the entire class, which is reflected in our class points.

When our class earns 200 points collectively we will have an ice cream sundae party. 500 points will be a pizza party!

3. Group points. Student rows/groups can earn points towards choosing free-time activities. Group points are earned by “showing ready” after transition times and also during collaborative learning activities using teamwork.

4. You get an inside peek of your child’s school day and can praise them for their great behaviour at school!

All points will accumulate, except if students are in the red at the end of a day they start fresh the next day. Any days where students lose 5+ points or are in the negatives an email or call will be made home to have a conversation about their day and to encourage a conversation at home as to what can improve for the following day. We have an awesome class so I don’t anticipate making many calls home, and hope that you are able to follow your child’s progress to monitor how awesome they are doing!

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