Grade 2/3 with Mrs.Rogers

Learning Excellence

Where Would You Live

Compare Regina, Saskatchewan,Canada and Mingora,Pakistan, Our class has been leaning about Malala Youssafzai and how she lives.We are comparing where she lives and where I live.They’re both cities and humans live there.They both have schools and children like to play.They have markets and they have streets.They have cars and houses. They have food and a Government.They have a language and they have animals in their city.

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Bayan’s Field Trip Report

What was the reason for this field trip?What other people attended with you?Learn plants,animals and Agri coulture’s.Max,Noah and Sarha Armstrong.Sarah Armstrong was my group leader.Wyatt and Jacksons groups came to our group a lot I mean it.In four or more sentinces, summarize what happened on the field trip.I grew a plant,I saw a rooster,I saw people milking cows,

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What I Did At The Weekend

I went to Vancouver and I went to the acuarium. At the acuarium I got this awesome octopus shirt. My brother got a stuffy because he loves stuffies. And my baby brother got a shark sweater but he doesn’t like it.  I also went to science world from a sea bus and then I had to go to a sky train. I got a plasma ball that has electricity in it that when you touch it the electricity goes to the glass and you can move the electricity. My brother got a thing that you can see above you. My baby brother got a big plasma bike for infants. And I saw my cousins and my uncles and my friends. I went skiing and I past level 2. My brother finished level 1 and my baby brother just watched me and my brother. That is what I did for the holidays. What did you do in the holidays?

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My Goals For The New Year

I have some New year goals that I have to share. To be nice to my brother. To be Mrs.Rogors favourite student. To be a better reader. To do what my mom asks me to do. To listen to Mrs.Rogors and my mom. To stop asking to play on electronics. To lose another tooth in 2017. To be my moms favourite son. To stop blurting out. To hug my mom more. And my last one is to stop asking for toys. That is all of my goals for 2017. 

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Bayan’s Persuasive writing

I think that I should sleep at 10:oo pm.Because I have a lot of energy at 8:00 I can’t sleep.Aryan has a lot of energy too and we play at night. My feet feels like a I have to walk and same as Aryan’s too.My brain thinks about the blue light,my brain thinks about how hard my bed is and my brain thinks about Aryan. I really think I should sleep at 10:00.

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